Thursday, April 1, 2010

2 Days FREE Workshops – “Built to Last BI Eco-system”

08 - 09 April 2010

09:00 - 17:00

Gedung STC Senayan Lantai 4, Suite 77, Jalan Asia Afrika Pintu IX, Gelora Senayan.
Jakarta, 10270

(021) 5793 6275

Achieving maximum performance and attaining the level of BI insight that are pre-requisites for continued success in today’s fiercely competitive markets, requires ongoing vigilance, research and education, and creativity on the part of IT professionals.

The 2 days workshop will provide an alternative view over the current trends and implementations of BI Eco-system in:

* Learn how to architect BI Ecosystem with built in flexibility for future functionality and scalability – “Built to Last”.
* Learn how to architect Data Model with all levels of people in the organization.
* Learn how to build a solid data model and easily change according to business needs.
* Learn the risks and issue in Data Warehouse.
* Learn the resolution to data explosion, ad-hoc queries within minutes.
* Learn Design considerations; How to build a scalability, table design and data volume?
* Learn The cost and considerations of maintaining a BI Environment
* Learn how you can speed up the Business Intelligent Process and gain Fast Reporting.
* Learn how to meet government regulatory / reports on time.
* Learn how to enable Business Users to “Do-It-Yourself” Fast Reporting / BI?

2 full days workshop with 70% hands-on, you will bring back the “Know-How” in building a BI Eco-system in Data Modeling, Data Warehouse and Do-it-yourself BI.

We cordially invite you to attend our upcoming THE SECRET OF “BUILT-TO-LAST” BI, one of its kinds that specifically designed for small workgroup.

Limited seats only to enable focus on each attendees to gain maximum knowledge.

Register On-line now to reserve a seat on 8th and 9th April, our administrator will confirm your reservation asap.


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