Monday, April 26, 2010

2 Days FREE Workshops – “Built to Last BI Eco-system”

Back by popular demand, this time will be conducted by our local senior consultant, entire sessions will be in Bahasa Indonesia.
Contact Ms. Nada at

or register online to reserve a seat here,
It covers Power Designer, Sybase IQ and Qlikview v9

Achieving maximum performance and attaining the level of BI insight that are pre-requisites for continued success in today’s fiercely competitive markets, requires ongoing vigilance, research and education, and creativity on the part of IT professionals.

The 2 days workshop will provide an alternative view over the current trends and implementations of BI Eco-system in:

>> Learn how to architect BI Ecosystem with built in flexibility for future functionality and scalability – “Built to Last.”
>> Learn how to architect Data Model with all levels of people in the organization.
>> Learn how to build a solid data model and easily change according to business needs.
>> Learn the risks and issue in Data Warehouse.
>> Learn the resolution to data explosion, ad-hoc queries within minutes.
>> Learn Design considerations; How to build a scalability, table design and data volume?
>> Learn The cost and considerations of maintaining a BI Environment
>> Learn how you can speed up the Business Intelligent Process and gain Fast Reporting.
>> Learn how to meet government regulatory / reports on time.
>> Learn how to enable Business Users to “Do-It-Yourself” Fast Reporting / BI?

2 full days workshop with 70% hands-on, you will bring back the “Know-How” in building a BI Eco-system in Data Modeling, Data Warehouse and Do-it-yourself BI.

We cordially invite you to attend our upcoming THE SECRET OF “BUILT-TO-LAST” BI, one of its kinds that specifically designed for small workgroup.

Limited seats only to enable focus on each attendees to gain maximum knowledge.

Have to register online now to reserve a seat, our administrator will confirm your reservation asap.

Start Date:
Apr 29, 2010
End Date:
Apr 30, 2010

Start Time:
End Time:

3D Training Center
Gedung STC Senayan, Lantai 4 Suite 77

Free Event

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