Friday, April 16, 2010

Oracle GoldenGate Real-time Access to Real-time Information

We cordially invite you and team to Oracle GoldenGate Real-time Access to Real-time Information on :

Wednesday, April 28th 2010

Ikat Room, Ballroom Level
Four Season Hotel - Jakarta

Time :
09.30 - 13:00

Registration Fee :

Oracle GoldenGate provides real-time, log-based change data capture, and delivery between heterogeneous systems. Using this technology, it enables cost-effective and low-impact real-time data integration and continuous availability solutions.

Oracle GoldenGate moves committed transactions with transaction integrity and minimal overhead on your existing infrastructure. The architecture supports multiple data replication topologies such as one-to-many, many-to-many, cascading and bidirectional. Its wide variety of use cases includes real-time business intelligence; query offloading; zero-downtime upgrades and migrations; disaster recovery; and active-active databases for data distribution, data synchronization and high availability.

Find out more about Oracle GoldenGate by registering to this Seminar!

RSVP to :

Detail of Registrant :
Company :
Name :
JobTitle :
Email :
Mobile/Phone :

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