Monday, March 26, 2007

Presentasi "Ubiquitous PKI" oleh Ken UMENO di STEI ITB

Presentasi "Ubiquitous PKI" oleh Ken UMENO di STEI ITB
akan diselanggarakan:
Selasa 27 Maret 2007
Jam 13 - jam 15 WIB
R Multimedia Lantei 2 Labtek VIII, STEI ITB
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung

Bagi yang berminat hadir harap email ke ssarwono@gmail. com dan
drian_djafrida@ dengan subject "Ubiquitous PKI"

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Public_key_ infrastructure
Public key infrastructure
>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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In cryptography, a public key infrastructure (PKI) is an arrangement
that provides for trusted third party vetting of, and vouching for,
user identities. It also allows binding of public keys to users. This
is usually carried out by software at a central location together with
other coordinated software at distributed locations. The public keys
are typically in certificates.

The term is used to mean both the certificate authority and related
arrangements as well as, more broadly and somewhat confusingly, the
use of public key algorithms in electronic communications. The latter
sense is erroneous since PKI methods are not required to use public
key algorithms.

------------ --------- --------- -------updated- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Ken Umeno salah satu pakar Kripto akan datang ke Indonesia dan sedang
diusahakan untuk
presentasi "Ubiquitous PKI" pada pagi hari Selasa 27 Maret 2007 di STEI ITB.
Maaf jam masih dirundingkan dan ruang sedang diusahakan di STEI ITB. com/search? num=100&hl= en&q=%22ubiquito us+PKI%22& btnG=Search
http://www.ieice. org/ken/program/ index.php? tgs_regid= 27e5c8336661eb3b 8bffff6eb68424e6 d9829d0bbbed235f ce70562fd86b140e &cmd=show_ form&form_ code=wAT0& layout=&lang= eng
http://www.ieice. org/ken/program/ index.php? search_mode= form&year= 21&pskey= author%3A% 22Ken+Umeno% 22&ps2=1& layout=〈= eng

Bagi yang berminat hadir harap email ke ssarwono@gmail. com dan
drian_djafrida@ dengan subject "Ubiquitous PKI"

Semoga bermanfaat.
Sarwono Sutikno, Dr.Eng., CISA
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