Friday, January 16, 2009

IBM Information On Demand comes to you

Date: 29 January 2009
Time: 08:00 am - 04:00 pm
Venue: InterContinental Hotel, Ballroom

Information is the lifeblood of a well-run enterprise.

Traditional application-driven IT investments, focused on the automation of business processes, are no longer providing a competitive edge. Organisations must shift their focus to the optimisation of business performance to drive a more sustainable competitive advantage. They need to deliver accurate, trusted information, and use that information more effectively, to provide increased insight into financial risk, identify changes in market behaviour for more dynamic demand planning, and better understand customers’ unique needs to improve customer satisfaction, loyalty and profitability.

At this event, you’ll learn about how information can be transformed into a strategic asset to optimise business performance. We’ll talk about the various challenges facing organisations in today's volatile marketplace and the technologies that can be used to unlock the business value of information, including business intelligence and performance management, information integration, master data management, data warehousing, enterprise data management, and enterprise content management.

We will help guide you on your journey towards creating an information agenda that's tailored for your organisation. This is a great opportunity to find out how Information On Demand can help you unlock the business value of information and your most strategic initiatives.

Register now for this event at


08:00 – 09.00
Registration & Morning Coffee & Tea

09:00 – 09.10
Welcome and introductions

09:10 – 09.50
Information Agenda: Unlocking the Business Value of Information for Better
Business Outcomes

09:50 – 10.20
Better Business Outcomes by managing your data over its lifetime

10:20 – 10:35

10:35 – 11:05
Better business outcomes through the optimization of content-based operational and
compliance processes

11:05 – 11:35
Better business outcomes by establishing, governing and delivering trusted

11:35 – 12:05
Better business outcomes through the optimization of your business performance

12:05 – 12:35
Better business outcomes by creating an Information Agenda approach for your

12:35 – 12:40
Concluding remarks

12:40 – 13:45

1. Financial Services and Insurance
2. Government
3. Telco

13:45 – 14:30
(1) An introduction to guides and workshops in building an FSI Information Agenda
(2) An introduction to guides and workshops in building a Government Information
(3) An introduction to guides and workshops in building a TELCO Information Agenda

14:30 – 15:15
(1) A survey of FSI Information Accelerators: FSI-specific assets to help speed up
the deployment of your Information Agenda
(2) A survey of Government Information Accelerators: Government-specific assets to
help speed up the deployment of your Information Agenda
(3) A survey of Telco Information Accelerators: Telco-specific assets to help speed
up the deployment of your Information Agenda

15:15 – 16.00
Connecting Your Information Faster through SOA Innovative Solutions

Re-congregate into a main tent

Lucky Draw Session

- End -

visit now!

For registration, please fill in the registration form and
fax to (021) 5140 2441,
email to
or open

For further information about this event, please contact
Quadra Integrated Communication (021) 5140 2440.


Registration Form

Name :
Company :
Job Title :
Address :
Phone :
Fax :
Mobile :
E-mail :

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