Friday, February 13, 2009

IBM Lotusphere Comes to You 2009

What do you do when the chips are down?

Change the game plan with the Power of Community

You’re at the end of the final quarter. The scoreline is not in your favour. Yet, you know you’ve got the talent in your team. How do you get these talents to gel together on the playing field, and turn the game around? A recent IBM Global CEO Study found that 71 percent of companies surveyed believe that better business capabilities can be unlocked by leveraging existing expertise through collaboration.

The uncertainty in the current economic climate means that there’s never been a better time to leverage existing talent in your organisation, in order to unleash new ideas, create innovative capabilities, and maximise productivity. Can you bring your employees together regardless of location? Can you easily identify and connect with expert communities to build innovative solutions? How do you leverage existing I.T. assets to create new applications at the fraction of cost?

Kick the downturn at IBM Lotusphere Comes to You!
The synergy of combined wisdom and capabilities of the group greatly amplifies the contributions of each individual. That is essentially the power of community. IBM Lotusphere Comes to You showcases the best collaborative solutions that let you tap into this power and harness the collective knowledge of experts within and beyond the walls of your organisation.

· Attend this event to learn how you can: Connect your employees using real time communications allowing them to work better and still slash operating costs
· Collaborate with experts through social networks to improve productivity and effectiveness with expert-validated solutions
· Innovate through the sharing of ideas and save on costly I.T. implementations by remixing existing information using wikis, blogs and mashups


Time Topic & Synopsis
8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Morning Refreshment & Registration
9:00 a.m.- 9:05 a.m. Opening Address
9:05 a.m.- 9:45 a.m. Keynote 1: The New Collaboration - Creating Innovators with a Fresh Workplace Gameplan
Trends already have begun to change the way we collaborate. New concepts of information use and sharing will be necessary. New ways of working will turn collaboration into innovation. A new kind of company can emerge from these new ways of working.

In this session, you will hear how the changing face of collaboration introduces new ways for businesses to collaborate. See how smart businesses today are connecting communities of employees, partners and customers together to create a world of new innovators.
9:45 a.m.- 10:25 a.m. Keynote 2: Collaborate, Score Opportunities and Win Big during Hard Times
We have amplified new ways to address business challenges, boost efficiency and achieve success through collaboration. According to the recent IBM Global CEO Study, 71 percent of CEOs plan to place greater focus on external partnerships and collaboration that extends beyond the traditional walls of the enterprise.

In turbulent times, you will learn why Lotus technology and collaboration is more valuable than ever before. Learn how the integration of collaborative capabilities with existing information yields competitive advantage, economic efficiency and insight.
10:25 a.m. - 11:05 a.m. Breakaway from Web 2.0: Enterprise 2.0 Adoption puts Collaboration and Productivity on Center Stage
Collaboration is a fundamental part of how organisations work. As we move from a people-centric focus into a new community-centric approach, Lotus Software provides an integrated suite of tools to support and enhance these new forms of collaboration.

Join us for a ""day-in-the-life at work"" scenario of three typical employees - busy people committed in delivering timely, high quality projects. We will demonstrate the use of Lotus Software products through storyboards and demonstrations, providing a fresh look at common use cases and people you will find in any organisation. See how Lotus Notes, Lotus Sametime, Lotus Connections, Lotus Quickr, WebSphere Portal and Bluehouse work together to improve the effectiveness of your employees.
11:05 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Going Beyond Office - Striking the Right Chord with IBM Lotus Symphony in Creating Collaborative Content
Think that Lotus Symphony is just another free follower in this space? Well, think again! In this session, you will have the opportunity to learn more about Lotus Symphony and our Beyond Office strategy.

Rich client and online productivity tools are starting to converge; Web 2.0, social media concepts and key document standards (ODF) are coming into their own. Combined, these market events offer exciting opportunities on how organisations approach the creation, dissemination, application and regulation of one of their key assets: content.

Join us to learn more about how Lotus Symphony will both leverage and accelerate the Lotus portfolio forward in collaborative content creation.
12:00 p.m. - 13:00 p.m. LUNCH

Connect and Collaborate Without Boundaries

Time Topic & Synopsis
13:00 p.m.- 13:45 p.m. Lotus Online Collaboration - Kicking off New Ways to Collaborate Online
Working together just got easier with new online collaborative services from IBM Lotus Software. We have developed an integrated set of collaborative and social networking services that empowers you to work together quickly and easily online.

Featuring on-ramps from existing Lotus products and third party applications as well as new online services, see how these Lotus solutions will help you extend and enhance your existing investment and your business reach. Experience what’s possible with cloud services from Lotus. Discover where businesses will come to work!
13:45 p.m.- 14:30 p.m. IBM Lotus Notes/Domino - Gameplan for the Future
This session will provide a strategy-level overview of the IBM Lotus Notes and Domino product family. We'll examine the new 8.5 release of Lotus Notes and Domino, along with plans for 2009 and our vision for collaboration in the future.

We'll also cover product and strategy directions for the Lotus Protector family, SAP integration via Project ""Atlantic"", the Lotus Notes and Domino mobility strategy, and Lotus Symphony including our market-facing themes for the year, such as ""green"" computing and integration.
14:30 p.m.- 15:15 p.m. IBM UC2TM: Deflecting Costs with Better Collaboration

Reduce IT and travel costs while simultaneously improving communications and collaboration with office, remote and mobile co-workers, customers, partners, and extended networks.

It's time to move beyond just IM and unleash the collaborative power with IBM Unified Communications and Collaboration (IBM UC2™) strategy to add communications capabilities to all aspects of your business life. Easily find, reach and collaborate with anyone, anywhere, in ways you never thought possible.
15:15 p.m.- 15:30 p.m. Break
15:30 p.m.- 16:15 p.m. Introducing IBM's Winning Lineup for Enterprise Content Management
As the technologies for portals, content and collaboration converge, new opportunities for business agility, competitive advantage, regulatory compliance and cost savings have emerged.

In this session, we will share the details behind IBM's market leading content management product portfolio and how IBM is integrating ECM with collaboration software for new business value.

Join us as we walkthrough IBM's comprehensive approach for addressing the business needs across the broad spectrum of content management requirements -- from business content services and enterprise search to the most demanding content-centric business processes and archive, compliance and legal discovery requirements.

Witness firsthand how IBM Lotus, IBM WebSphere Portal, IBM FileNet, and IBM Content Manager offerings come together to provide unmatched capabilities including new innovations in content analytics and classification.
16:15 p.m.- 17:00 p.m. Social Software - Solutions for Bringing your Best Players Together
This session will focus on exciting new capabilities from IBM's social software products including Lotus Connections. Learn about some of the latest Web 2.0 features, including social content sharing, Web 2.0 wiki capabilities with iWidget support that enables easy integration with Lotus Mashups, Websphere Portal applications, plus other new social concepts from IBM research.

Come see and hear about the latest Web 2.0 innovations and how they'll deliver real business value across your globally connected enterprise to enable you to work smarter.
17:00 p.m. - 17:45 p.m. IBM Lotus Foundations Start - Making it Easy for Small Businesses to Tackle Big I.T. Challenges
Every company, big or small, needs the ability to do e-mail, collaborate, manage files and to ensure information is backed up and protected. All this can be achieved with IBM Lotus Foundations Start, a software appliance that frees small businesses from the complexity of I.T. systems. Small businesses should be spending time doing what matters most: running and growing their business.

This technical session will demonstrate Lotus Foundations Start's upcoming features including extending the enterprise using Lotus Domino, hosting Microsoft Windows applications, and supporting mobile devices.
17:45 p.m. - 18:00 p.m. Wrap Up and Lucky Draw

Bringing Business Values with Portal & Innovation

Time Topic & Synopsis
13:00 p.m.- 13:45 p.m. The Role of Portal and Collaboration Software: Putting your Best Players on the SOA Field
Approaching critical business needs with strategic goals in mind is what SOA is all about. To enable efficient real-time decision making, people need to easily interact and collaborate with others. They also need to have instant access to information and data from multiple sources. SOA can help people do all of this easily - from within the context of their business processes.

Find out how Portal and Collaboration Software acts as an entry point for people-focused capabilities in the IBM SOA strategy, bringing value to both large and small organisations.
13:45 p.m.- 14:30 p.m. IBM WebSphere Portal - Championing Productivity with People, Applications and Information
Portals provide a framework for customers to create web sites that integrate their applications and information, and as a result can help greatly improve the productivity of a site's users.

As businesses grapple with how to best enable their employees and customers to be more productive and to share information and ideas across the broad spectrum of their interactions, WebSphere Portal provides the needed services.

This presentation provides an overview of the key features of WebSphere Portal and how they combine to help businesses be more flexible and responsive to business opportunity and needs, and to leverage Web 2.0 and make Web sites more participatory.
14:30 p.m.- 15:15 p.m. Dashboards to Track your Goals and Keep the Score
Did you realise that a single tool can help cut the national cost of healthcare, reduce IT system downtime, improve customer satisfaction, and save days of debugging effort?

Learn how customers are expanding their Websphere Portal footprint by using the IBM Dashboard Accelerator to solve IT and business challenges across organisations. In addition, this session will describe new capabilities in the V6.1 release of Lotus ActiveInsight and WebSphere Dashboard Framework including builders for BI systems such as Cognos.

Also, learn about the ability to build a dashboard once and deploy it to Lotus Notes, Websphere Portal, Lotus Quickr, Lotus Sametime, Lotus Expeditor or IBM Mashup Center. We'll also highlight deployment tips and tricks from experts.
15:15 p.m.- 15:30 p.m. Break
15:30 p.m.- 16:15 p.m. IBM Mashup Center - Mixing and Matching Data for the Perfect Play
IBM Mashup Center offers core value in unlocking data in a revolutionary way. Built on innovative Web 2.0 collaborative methodologies and techniques, IBM Mashup Center incorporates a variety of data sources including desktop, departmental and core enterprise sources (including Lotus Domino) that can be easily exposed, combined, transformed and augmented for new insights into business.

We'll look at how this is done, and we'll cover tips, tricks and techniques to optimise your success with feed and data mashups. We'll also look at how to extend IBM Mashup Center feed sources.

IBM Mashup Center delivers the promise of unlocking data in a reusable and consumable fashion.
16:15 p.m.- 17:00 p.m. IBM Business Process Accelerator: Defending your Business from Tough Times
Some solutions work very well together. And when they do, everyone benefits—IT, the business and end users. The IBM Business Process Accelerator is a powerful offering from IBM that combines the value of Lotus Forms and WebSphere Portal to help organisations speed their process automation efforts and more easily integrate data with existing IT system.

Attend this session to learn how you can reduce costs, improve efficiencies and position your organisation for success in today’s economic climate.
17:00 p.m.- 17:45 p.m. Lotus Web Content Management: Your Ticket to Premier League Web Asset Management
Delivering timely and accurate information to the right people at the right time is mission critical for today’s enterprises. Whether that information is delivered via a portal, the Internet, an extranet or an intranet, it can become a time-consuming task to keep it all accurate and up to date. This becomes even more daunting when content experts have to rely on the IT team or the Web administrator to update content. Many businesses are also challenged with operations in multiple geographies and therefore need to adhere to a variety of regulations and requirements.

Join us at this session to learn how IBM Lotus Web Content Management can help organisations increase the efficiency and accuracy of website deployments by changing the way web content is created, managed and deployed. It places content creation where it should be - squarely in the hands of content experts while still allowing IT to retain control. Plus, advanced personalisation in Lotus Web Content Management enables the delivery of the right information to the right audience exactly when they need it.
17:45 p.m. - 18:00 p.m. Wrap Up and Lucky Draw

Stand a chance to win Digital Photo Frame worth US$ 250
For the first 20 customers who attend we will give an attractive IBM souvenir

Register now to experience the true power of community! Please fill-in the registration form and fax to (021) 5140 2441 or call Quadra Integrated Communication at (021) 5140 2440 or
email at to reserve your seat now. Alternatively log onto for more details and online registration.

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1 IBM Global CEO Study: The Enterprise of the Future

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