Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"Improving Data & Network Security"

Dear Valuable Customers & Partners,

We cordially invite you to join a Seminar “Improving Data & Network Security”

The event schedule and details will be on:

Date : Thursday, 03th December 2009

Time : 08.15 – 13.00

Venue : INTERCONTINENTAL Jakarta MidPlaza

Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 10-11

You can see the exact agenda in below the invitation.

For registration please email to Or you may reply this email.

Please feel free to contact Meita at 021-3448848 if further details information is needed.

Hope to see you there!

Thank you and have a nice day.

best regards,
PT. Datamation Purwana Utama
BSG Building 8th Floor | Jl. Abdul Muis No.40 | Jakarta 10160 | Indonesia
P. +6221 344 8848 | F. +6221 352 3851

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