Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pulse Comes To You 2010


Can you feel the pulse of a smarter planet?

The planet is getting smarter, and so must business. A Smarter Business not only leads the way in reaching out to customers with quality services, it also inspires employees to seek new ideas and become stewards of innovation.

At Pulse Comes to You 2010, we'll show you what it takes to stand out - by giving your customers what they need, before they know it. Learn how data centre virtualisation initiatives today can pave the way to private, resource-efficient clouds of tomorrow. Uncover new ways to connect assets and align business priorities with the technologies of your enterprise to build a smarter organisation.

Leverage service management: Discover how integrated service management can help you transform data centre operations and enhance service delivery while reducing costs.

Get the know - how: Meet with IBM subject - matter experts and find out how your enterprise can benefit from workload optimisation, virtualisation and cloud computing.

Validate your expertise: Learn how you can become an IBM - certified professional for free.

Be a part of a Smarter City: Participate in an interactive live demo and learn how organisations around the world are using IBM Service Management Industry Solutions to build Smarter Buildings and Cities.

Become catalysts of change: Speed decision - making and transform business by incorporating a dynamic infrastructure that gives you visibility, control and automation over your enterprise.

4 May 2010

Grand Hyatt Jakarta Hotel

Save the date today. Register now!
Click at

>> Registrations
>> Integrated Service Management: The Operating System of Smarter Planet
>> Smarter Industry Solutions: Tales from clients
>> Smarter City Live Demo
>> Lunch & Expo Tour

Transforming Data Center to Cloud
>> From Simple Data Center Automation to the Cloud: How to Reach the Stratosphere From Where You Stand Today
>> Securing Virtualisation in Real - World Environments
>> Smart Business Development and Test on the IBM Cloud: A Full - Services Life Cycle Approach
>> How IBM Optimizes Energy Consumption Across Its Datacenter Space
>> Reduce Costs and Create a More Dynamic Infrastructure by Consolidating Workloads on Power Systems
>> Transforming Data Center Operations into a Business Operations Center

Service Management for Service Delivery
>> Trends That Are Transforming the Way IBM Thinks About and Delivers Service Management
>> How to Deliver Measurable Business Value with the Enterprise CMDB
>> Delivering Higher Quality Software with End - to - End Application Security
>> Closing the Gap between Development and Operations by Integrating Process, Tooling, and Data
>> Supporting Integrated Service Management with Effective Storage Management: An Overview for Non-Storage Professionals

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